Posted   —   № 15
Some example 3D Printed Marty the Robots
Some of the Martys and accessories we've 3D Printed

3D printing has grown from a niche hobby reserved for makers and technicians to a widely utilised tool to educate young people in becoming STEM leaders of the future. When speaking to educators, the two most common statements we hear are “We need to get a 3D printer for our school” or, more importantly, “We have a 3D printer, but we don’t know what to do with it!”.

Some example 3D Printed Marty the Robots
Some of the Martys and accessories we've 3D Printed

It is accepted that there is a general lack of confidence in implementing 3D printing in the classroom. Even some educators that have the necessary confidence, struggle to find an appropriate application within their classroom. This article has been written to try and ease the anxiety of 3D printing and demonstrate why the platform is an easy and cheap way to inject creativity and fun alongside valuable learning opportunities.

Why is it an essential tool for the classroom?

Marty the Robot goes Disco - An example of 3D printing to modify your Robots

I'm an Educator wanting to introduce 3D printing to my students, any advice?

Good luck with your 3D printing adventures in the classroom. We look forward to seeing what you have created!

See also: